Sunday, May 29, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

I cannot believe it's the end of May. For reals. I'm still having a hard time remembering to write 2011 instead of 2010. Yet, we're five months in.  Sheesh...

So we have made it through the first week of the hubs being away. It was hard. But, we've survived. I only had one mishap with the coffee pot and I've only drawn blood once (so far) loading the dishwasher. Yay for me, lol. ;) I knew there would be an occasion when I regretted failing all of those housewife classes...

Now we are on the downhill side of his trip, and we get to pick him up on Friday!!! All four of us are super excited about that!

To help us kinda get out of the house and stop counting down the days, we decided to come spend a long holiday weekend with my parents. We got to spend a day hanging out with my mother-in-law, my sister and brother-in-law and my nieces, which is always fun. My SIL and her family were visiting from Saint Kitts, where they live for the time being.  They were back in the states for a couple of weeks, but unfortunately, schedules prevented us from having more time with them. But, we had ALL day Friday and we enjoyed it.

Yesterday, my mom and I got to spend a great day together, getting pedicures and just doing some running around. Today, we are going to help my other niece celebrate her first birthday, which is so special! I don't get to buy little girlie things that often, so I may have went a little overboard with the gift buying, lol.

Tomorrow, we will be heading home, but not before taking part in some Memorial Day celebrations with my parents at their American Legion. The boys will also get to see an offical flag retiring ceremony tomorrow, so that's really cool. 

This week, we won't have a lot of time to miss the hubs. We will be spending all of Tuesday and Thursday finishing up Bailey's requirements for camp, and Wednesday he will spend the day earning his First Aid merit badge. Busy, busy... 

As far as school goes, we are winding down nicely. Braeden has just about finished all of his 1st grade lessons. Bailey has more to do, but he has time since we don't have a formal "end of the year." I think this week, Bailey is going to have another "scout work = school work" kinda week. I don't feel even a little bit bad about wouldn't either, if you knew just how much he has to do before he leaves for camp next Sunday!

Braeden is going to concentrate on math this week. He's going to work on some first grade math vocabulary and play some math games. He's also going to be helping Bailey work on his scout stuff. He has NO idea that he's not an 11 year old, lol. But I think Bailey would appreciate the extra help, and he takes his role of Big Brother pretty seriously, so I know he will enjoy playing the instructor. :)

On Monday, remember who it is we are honoring that day. Even though it's a day to commemorate those soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice, we still have brave men and women putting their lives on the line every day. If you see a soldier, thank a soldier.

"And they who for their country die shall fill an honored grave, for glory lights the soldier's tomb, and beauty weeps the brave."  ~Joseph Drake

1 comment:

Kerry said...

Just when I thought my week was busier than anyones......