Saturday, February 22, 2014

Planning for Spring

We've talked a lot about having a garden but we never actually started one. There was always an excuse. We didn't have time. We didn't really know what we wanted to plant. One after the other...a reason to not do something that we knew would be not only beneficial to us, but something that could be a fun AND educational family project.

Well to hell with excuses. ;)

The hubs and the boys started planning, then planting, an array of seeds for our first garden. We saved milk cartons and other containers, and dumped out old, dead plants to recycle some planters. Trying to use what we already had and save a little dough. 

Now. Just to clarify. When I say "we," I really mean "they." They all have my utmost support in this endeavor. I even volunteered to learn how to can/jar what they grow. But I don't have the mad gardening skills. To be honest, what I know, they probably teach in first grade science. I got nothing. :/

Anyway, here are some of our little seedlings. It's really incredible to see how much everything grows, just in one day. The boys are loving learning about what veggies and herbs need to be planted in what time of year. Bailey is already planning recipes around what he is going to be able to go out and pick. Cool, yeah? :)



I'm really hoping we remember to document the different stages of everything as it know us and's hit or miss, lol. 

Alrighty. Logging off now. Looking forward to Sunday with my guys. Hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend! :D

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