DragonCon came and went, and it was a blast. As always. The boys had a great time. They got to dress up, they went to panels, they got to meet famous people. :)
Here are a few photos from the weekend:
A view of the crowd, at it's LEAST, lol. |
Bailey's Effie Trinket costume! He really pulled this off! :) |
Braeden's Rainbow Dash costume. He loved this. :) |
The boys and their friend Z in his Rorschach costume. |
Silas Weir Mitchell. Monroe from Grimm. |
Claire Coffee. Adalind from Grimm. |
Manu Bennett. He was in Arrow, The Hobbit, and others. |
Edward James Olmos. Admiral Adama in Battlestar Gallactica. So say we all! :D |
Tahmoh Penikett. Helo in Battlestar. |
Nicholas Brendon. Xander from Buffy! :) :) |
Lee Majors! The Six Million Dollar Man!! |
Sherrilyn Kenyon. One of my FAVorite authors! |
Mythbusters, Adam and Jamie! |
These are really the only pics we have. I will try and get some from Tracy, of the other costumes in our bunch, and of things we missed, lol.
This past week, on top of trying to recuperate from con, we had a busy week! We had soccer a couple of times, we had our monthly nature science program with Elachee. We met at Lake Lanier instead of the nature center this time, and it was a lot of fun! The boys learned about water treatment and filtration. Plus, we got to have a short little boat ride on the lake.
Even though we are supposed to officially start our school year after DragonCon, we failed miserably this year. Oops. So we will have our kickoff tomorrow.
Bailey will plug along with his new high school program, and Braeden will jump into 4th grade. They of course, will try to blow through the other subjects, to get to science (their favorite). I'm hoping I'm attentive enough to pace them. Heh. Bailey is hoping to learn a little about
electrical energy. Braeden, bless his little heart, wants to do some of the
science for kindergarten lessons on his science website. He says he missed them when he was in K, so he wants to do them now. Sigh. A couple of days shouldn't hurt anything, right? ;)
I'm off for now. I have 47 loads of laundry to do. I haven't done any since we got back from con, and we are all officially out of clean underwear. I rock, yeah? :D
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