Monday, May 27, 2013

A family visit, and some down time...

Last week saw the end of Bailey's 4H until fall. That means that as of right now, we have NO plans or schedules for the summer! Sure, we want to do things. But we will do them when we can, and we don't have to work around any other obligation. I love it! :) 

This past weekend, we went to hang out with my parents and my in laws. We hadn't been down since early April, and it was a good visit. The hubs and I took the boys, as well as my older nieces and older nephew to see Epic. We have never done a group movie thing, but I hafta tell ya...we can't wait to do it again! Everyone had so much fun. It's wonderful to see cousins having such a good time together. 

Great movie! "Actually, I'm a slug...ain't no shell over hrrr baby." HAHA!
We also go to help my youngest niece celebrate her 3rd birthday! My brother and his wife threw a little party, and set up a slip and slide for all the kids. Funny how those things never get old. :D 

For those that want to soap is SO much more slippery than baby wash, lol...

The birthday girl and one of her gifts.

I just threw this one in because of all of the awesome cuteness. :) The hubs playing with our youngest nephew...
Like I said, it was a great weekend. Hope to have another good visit soon. This week doesn't hold a lot of anything, other than playing catch up. Catch up on laundry (as usual). Catch up on house cleaning (more focus on thinning and goodwill-ing, rather than cleaning, lol). And catch up on the summer schooling we are doing. 

At some point in the next couple of days, we hope to take a day and go to a park or nature center. With the weather playing back and forth, there should be some good science learning going on. Some weather lessons are in order, I think. ;) 

In addition to the science fun, I think I will throw some extra math and social studies games at the boys, and call it enough. They have been working hard on their spelling and reading, I think I can back off of that for a few days, to give them a change of pace. 

That's all I've got right now. We are gearing up for a special summer movie thing at a local theater. Each week over the summer, they are showing all of the Harry Potter films in order. How freaking awesome?! I can't believe my boys are going to get a chance to see some of our FAVORITE movies on the big screen! Bailey was only 2 when the 1st movie came out, and Braeden...well gosh...I think they were on film 3 or 4 by the time he was born. We are so excited about this, and it's going to be a great addition to our summer! :)

1 comment:

Hills N Valleys said...

Sounds like a fun weekend. I love to slip and slide with the kids!A tarp makes a HUGE one.

I know what you mean about a break from schedules. I enjoy the kids being in sports but it will be nice to have a break from it. The only thing that will remain is fiddle/violin lessons.