Sunday, March 4, 2012

Code Milky Green...

Yeah, kinda gross. But those of you who love Dr. Sheldon Cooper as much as we do will appreciate the funneh.

Week before last, the hubs and Braeden were sick. As the days went by, and the 73,000 mg of Vitamin C that I was consuming continued on, Bailey and I thought we were out of the woods. Turns out, he was but I wasn't. So I have spent the better part of this past week sick. And again with the Dr. Cooper...I don't do sick very well. More whiny than normal, if you can even imagine.

This helps though:  ;)

Other than the sicklies, the week went well. I only had to work at the tax office one day. Braeden is starting to pick out his own word lists from the homeschool spelling curriculum we use (up to now I have been assigning them - we're trying to see if he will challenge himself, or if left to his own devices, picks the PreK lists so he can get finished quicker, lol). He has just about finished his 2nd grade stuff with T4L, so he's spending a more time on SpellingCity than on T4L right now.

Bailey is doing well with everything, and still plugging along with his Time4Writing that he's been working on. We are so relaxed here, as far as schedules and such, that I was worried the additional "school time" would be met with resistance. Turns out, he said he loves the course. Yep, he really said "I love it!" He is enjoying what he's learning, and I would imagine his desire to write creatively helps with his motivation.

Tuesday at work was slow and I spent some time on YouTube. What? YouTube is almost better than Facebook when it comes to ways to kill time. After watching some old favorite clips (like the one where I met Jeff Dunham's Achmed for the first time - SILENCE! I KEEL YOU!) and surfing through some music videos, I started looking for homeschool videos. I initially started out looking for funny little spoofs, to kinda go along with my last post about misconceptions. But I ended up finding this video, 5 Things I Wish I Had Known When I Started Homeschooling. It was funny, and really encouraging...even for someone who has been homeschooling for several years. When I first started, and was completely lost, it would have been nice to have seen something like this. All of the things that I was worried about; turns out they are pretty common concerns of other homeschooling parents too. Anyway, it was good to see, and I would recommend it to any homeschoolers...not just new ones. :)

Today, I'm going to try and do laundry. Try being the operative word there. Also going to watch some movies with the boys. We have Hugo and Moneyball on the playlist for this afternoon.

This week I will be working most of the week, if not the whole week, covering Tracy so she can be with her mom who is undergoing yet another surgery to fix her hip. Sending prayers, happy thoughts and good juju out to her in hopes that this one will finally be the last one and she recovers quickly and without issues!

Hope everyone has a great week. Don't forget that next weekend is Daylight Saving Time. Boo. I'm all over the "fall back." Not a fan of the "spring forward." :/

1 comment:

Kerry said...

Awww man...wish you hadn't reminded me about the spring forward. It always takes me like 2 weeks to recuperate from that one! Ugh!!