Saturday, January 14, 2012

Every Day I'm Shufflin'...

That silly song is stuck in my head right now. It's not in my preferred genre of music, but I hear and it sticks around forever, lol...

This week was good. Busy, but good. Adjusting to different schedules is going alright. The cooler temps are moving in, for the moment anyway. I like the cooler temps. I actually like experiencing a little bit of ALL seasons. Here in the south though, we don't get much winter. It's like an extended, slightly more harsh, fall. Oh well, I'll take what I can get.

Next week we will continue on. Things will get a little crazier at work, as Tuesday is the IRS's first day to file. At home, there's nothing major to interrupt the boys' schedules. No Scouts. No sports. Just Masters on Thursday. It'll be nice for them to have a laid back week. They are going to focus a little more than normal on their vocabulary this week. Bailey will play some antonym games. Braeden will play some parts of speech games. Yes, "focus more" in this house usually means more game play. It works. They learn. I'm happy. I'm long past concerning myself with HOW they grasp a concept, I just want them to get it. :)

Today, Bailey is working on some Scout stuff and after I drop him off, I'm going to swing by the office for a little while. Tomorrow, Tracy and I are heading to the ATL for our first Dragon*Con Directors meeting of 2012. YAY!

Hope errbody has a mucho fabulous weekend, and a great week!


Jeanette said...

Since you have popped by my blog, I felt the need to check yours out and I love it! I am curious though...what is 'Masters'? Is it Toastmasters? Please share!

Jeanette said...

OH...and I loved your blog post title. This is my daughters favorite "Just Dance 3" song and I am singing that song in my head.

Unknown said...

Thank you, Jeanette! Yep, once you say it/hear it/ see it, it's in there. Until you hear next brain-sticking song. :D

No, it's not Toastmasters, but that'd be cool! I didn't know what that was (I know, shame...), but I just looked and there is a Toastmasters of Athens, which is near me. I will have to check that out! Thanks!

Our Masters, is Masters Academy of Fine Arts. It's a homeschool fine arts program where they get to do Art, Arts History, Drama/Theater and Music classes with others in their age/grade range. This is their first year in the program, but they LOVE it! :)

Jessica said...

That does sound like a lot of fun (the Fine Arts program)!

Unknown said...

Thanks, Jessica! They both really, really enjoy it! You know kids are so dramatic anyway... ;)