Saturday, April 23, 2011

"We're leaving, on a jet plane..."

Well, not really on a jet plane. But we are leaving! Our annual multi-family jaunt to sunny Florida starts later today!!!!!!! YAAAAAY!

This will be a much needed vacation for all of us, especially the hubs! It happens every April (homeschooling benefit 713: going on vacation before the rest of the kids in the country get out of school for the summer), but this year it really feels like it snuck up on us. In a good way of course, but snuck up nonetheless.

I have no idea where the month of April has gone and how it came to be that we are leaving today. I still have packing to do, which means that I will be in a stupid rush and forget something. Then the first stop we have to make once we reach our destination, is to the local department store to BUY the things I shouldn't have forgotten in the first place.

Ah least I know this about myself and budget a teensy portion of our vacation fund for the forgotten items. ;)

We are all so excited about this year. We are always happy to go and just relax. Normally it's just beach days and pool days. No big trips or touristy type activities. However, this year we made arrangements to go to Kennedy Space Center! The B's have been before, but it will be the first time for Walter, the boys and myself. Even more exciting is the remote possibility that we get to see the Endeavor launch.

How freaking cool would that be?!?!?!

The launch was originally scheduled for the 19th of April, but got pushed back to the 29th. We can't go to Kennedy to see the launch, but we are hoping to take the boys up the coast a little bit to Cape Canaveral or Cocoa Beach so we can all see it. Fingers crossed that it doesn't get delayed or anything. :)

As far as school goes, I'm sure we won't get much accomplished. Sure, our curriculum travels (online = awesome) and we never go anywhere without a plethora of laptops, netbooks, etc., ... but it's vacation. Everybody deserves a break. Even me...err...them.

The drive down is about 10 hours and they can only watch so many movies before they are fidgeting and squirming in their seats. Bailey will be able to read on the way down (oh hey, that can count as "school"). Braeden will be able to play some of the games that he likes, like the online music games and art games (oh hey, that can count as "school" too).  The hubs will be snoring at some point. Thankfully, I will have my 90's alternative music to wail along with, courtesy of my trusty Sirius radio.

I'm hoping to post some pictures or something while we are down there. We all know how well I keep up with pictures and all.


If nothing else, you can check out my facebook and see what I've posted there. Or what Tracy has posted and tagged me in. :D

Hope everyone has a fabulous Easter weekend with their loved ones!!!

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