Saturday, April 19, 2014

Time for Some Random.

My brain is a big jumbled mess of stuff today. Trying to get the eldest ready for his Master's formal tonight, getting ready to spend time with the family tomorrow for Easter, trying to get back in our regularly scheduled activities now that tax time is over....gah! See? Jumbled.

So yeah. Random. :)

~ The Brew Fest was fun last weekend. We really enjoyed hanging with friends. I suck at photo taking, this is no surprise, but I did manage to get one of the hubs and our friend, Josh.

This guy has been in our lives for more than twenty years.  We heart him. :D

~ I have become obsessively addicted to the show Mad Men. SO good.

~ Boys have yet to log into their computers for school. The tablet thing is still working out fabulously! I'm hoping I can get them to spend some extra time on them this week. Bailey needs to do a little more than normal in his US History course, and I'd like to see if I can get Braeden to try out some art games.

~ Monday will see their first archery class, and they are really excited about that.

~ Captain America 2 has been out for 15 days and we haven't seen it yet. This does not please me.

~ I turned 37 last week. Weird. In my head, I'm still hovering around 20. My body knows very differently, but my maturity level just hasn't caught up.

~ Speaking of maturity...I ran to Trader Joe's yesterday to grocery shop for the week. The eldest managed to get 75% of everything we needed in the time it took me and the wee one to use the restroom. My boys really do rock. ;)

That's what I've got right now. I'm off to bleach some hair (not mine this time, but Bailey's), send the hubs out for a corsage, and try to get us to dinner on time. I'm never on time anywhere. Ugh. Hope everyone has a wonderful, and safe, Easter with their loved ones!


You what?? Yes Homeschool said...

LOVE it!!

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