Good. Lord. How did it get here already? More importantly, how is it almost over?!
Things are going great here. Moving right along.
Remember that 10 miler I was worried about in the last post?
I crushed it. ;)
Really, I was terrified that I wasn't going to be able to finish before the "sag wagon" came around (if I hadn't been able to stay in front of a 16 minute per mile pace, I would have been nudged to the finish line or on a course that was no longer maintained by volunteers or safety officers). Not only was that a non-issue, I completed the 10 miles with an average pace of 14.28. I was SO proud of myself! :)
My awesome friend Brad semi-surprised me (I had to find out a couple days before the run, so I could pick up his race packet, lol) and came down to run my first 10 miler with me...a WEEK after he ran his first 30 mile (50k?) ultra marathon. How crazy cool is he? ;) |
Showing off my finisher's bling. :D |
A week after the 10 miler, my friend Lisa and I completed a local 5k, and 6 days after that, she and I did a local charity 10k. This particular run was awesome for me, as I finished with my best PR to date.
Lisa and I at our 5k. She had the best socks. Yoda! |
My 10k prize and stats. 12"02"!!! Wooo! :) |
My next run is the Thanksgiving Half (you really do need to be a little wacky to voluntarily run 13.1 miles, haha), followed immediately (next day, but less than 24 hours later) by a local charity 5K. While I think it was silly to sign up for the 5k so close to the half, this particular event is one that I really wanted to, both of my boys are going to run it with me! Some friends of ours as well. Big group event. Lots of fun.
Picked up my swanky pullover and bib today. Can't wait to get the finisher's medal for this AND my special Triple Peach medal and shirt at the end! |
What am I doing the Saturday following a half and a 5k? Driving 10+ hours to the Ft. Lauderdale area to hang for a few days with some of my favorite peeps. Good stuff. I may not be able to move any part of myself on Sunday. But good stuff.
Thanksgiving dinner with the fam will be short after the half, but at least we'll get to see everyone. No major Black Friday sales that I'm planning on participating in, but I will try my luck at a few online specials. Fingers crossed.
Let's see...what else?
Bailey started his first job this month. Those that know and love me, even despite my anxieties, lol, can imagine how that has torn me up. Don't get me wrong. I'm excited for him, and I'm super proud of him. But -- but -- how is he old enough for this? Hell, how am I old enough for this?!
Pumpkins! The boys haven't carved pumpkins in a couple of years. Time usually gets away from us and none of us have the best time management skills, but this year they were able to make it happen. I love them. They free handed them, and I think they turned out great. Even better, the way they look after a couple of weeks had passed. I feel like I mostly resemble the droopy pumpkins all the time these days. ;)
Just after they were finished. Braeden's on the left, Bailey's on the right. |
Aaaahahaha. A couple weeks later. See what I mean about feeling like these guys? :P |
School stuffs is going well. Admittedly, Bailey is struggling with finding time after work shifts and on off days (he's only working about 15 hours a week, not a full time commitment or anything), but he's a trooper and is finding his groove and getting stuff done. Braeden is doing well. The language learning program they started last month (or was it in September?), Time4Languages, added German. Buuuuuut, they added it after he had already started the Spanish course. He's a little miffed at me, because he's always wanted to
learn German and I'm making him finish at least the first 6 months of Spanish before I let him change. Ah well. Maybe he'll be multilingual instead of bilingual. :D
I think that's it for now. Sorry this turned out to be an all run-type-post. I'm sure I will post about the half after it's done and I won't have another big run until the Hot Chocolate 15k in January. I'll try to be quiet about it for a little while, lol.
Until next time. Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday with those that matter the most to you.
Gonna leave you with this little this-is-my-life gem. ;)