2016 has come and gone.
Mind. Blown.
The older I get, the shorter the years seem to get.
Not a lot has happened since you last visited. I had mentioned before that the eldest started his first job (outside of his own food business, which he started last year). Imagine our surprise when we realized a few weeks into his job, that our mostly-work-from-home and school-from-home family needed our 3rd car. As much as I'm on the road, the hubs discovered that he hated being home without a ride. Worked out well though. We put over 30k miles a year on the jeep and it only gets about 19-20 mpg. Our new car gets 35-37 mpg, so while we're paying an additional car payment, we're actually noticing a substantial savings in gas. The hubs still has the Jeep, but I'm driving the Civic all over the planet. :)
My new-to-me 2013 Honda Civic. |
I started AND finished my first ever half marathon.
Waiting to get to the start line. |
The hubs snapped this pic of me crossing the finishing line. I was sobbing, lol. Happy tears, though. So freaking proud of myself. |
With my bling. My half marathon medal, and the Triple Peach medal...the Triple Peach was a 3 run series -- a 10k (6.2 miles) in July, a 10 miler in October and the Half (13.1 miles) on Thanksgiving Day. |
I won't go on and on about it, but it was absolutely amazing for me, and I can't wait to reach the next run goal I'm setting or myself -- a full marathon in 2017! Imma do it. I'm sure of it. ;)
The day after my half (yeah, full on crazy moment, lol), my boys did their first 5k with me! I loved having them there, and we've already signed up to do another 5k together next week.
Before the start of the Buddy Christian Memorial 5k. |
This time of year is usually our extra long winter break. With all of the holiday excitement and family stuff planning, it's hard to keep our focus. For all of us, not just the boys. They continued with their foreign language classes, and we worked through resources from a
December Unit Study, but that was about it. Something is better than nothing though, yeah?
Had a lovely Christmas, even if it was warmer than normal and seemed to come out of nowhere.
Our tree decorating, complete with a body-less Santa, White Christmas in the background and my super special ornament in memory of my sister-in-law. |
I didn't think they would be, but both boys were genuinely surprised when they opened their "big" gift from us this year - a new Xbox One S and several games. :) |
Oh! I also made a trip down to Fort Lauderdale after Thanksgiving, to hang with some of my most favorite peoples. I did work from the office some while I was there, and managed to hit the beach one afternoon. But the first thing I did after driving 12 hours? Watched the Gilmore Girls revival. Don't judge. ;)
I need that bag. NEED it. |
Ultimately, 2016 didn't suck for me. I had 366 days to love and be loved. I did and I was. Wholeheartedly. Hope 2017 is even better.
Happy New Year, errbody! :)